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Hi! I'm Rita,

My name is Rita Lourenço and in my 45 springs I've still been in love with life, I've already had the privilege of living some very interesting experiences. I was once an emigrant and lived some of my teenage years in Canada. I returned to Portugal where I fell in love, got married and became a mother, later that marriage could not withstand the pressure of time and we ended up going our separate ways.

After returning to Portugal, I entered Higher Education, studied, graduated and started working in the financial services of the Portuguese civil service, 22 years ago, having in the meantime passed through several entities in 3 different ministries.

Since I can remember, I've had an interest in the arts, writing, photography, music and video games, interests that I haven't always nurtured over the years, but which I dedicate myself to today.

We all have passions, we all have interests, activities that we are passionate about and we must dedicate some time to them, because the passage through life is brief and we must take advantage of it and enjoy it.

Currently, at the end of 2022, after 3 years of the pandemic and confinement, now when we are trying to return to normality and when we talk so much about mental health, I think it is very important that we dedicate some of our time to maintaining our mental health, to treat of us. In order to stop and take care of ourselves, we all have limits and sometimes we don't even know these limits, we live overwhelmed with work both professionally and personally and often we don't even remember ourselves, and sometimes we end up in a situation of extreme exhaustion, physical, psychological or emotional.

It is important to prevent these situations as much as possible and to organize our time in such a way as to dedicate some time to those activities that relax and unwind us.

Whether it's painting, writing, listening to music, walking by the sea, playing video games, exercising, running, watching movies, I invite you to share what your passion is.


I will share with you the various projects in which I am involved and I invite you to share yours.

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